Deciding to Change

Thought for today:

A sponsor is someone who can walk you through the Twelve Steps.  With the help of our sponsor, we learn to trust others and share about ourselves and our debts, under earning, and overspending.

Step Three leads us to let the Higher Power of our understanding guide our thoughts and actions.  If we are ready, we seek inspiration.  We ask for solvency.  We ask for the humility to stay on track, to become closer to the person we always wanted to be.  We ask our Higher power to remove our difficulties that stand in our way.

With the help of our sponsor, we turn our life and our will over to the care of a Higher Power.

A member shares:

“When I came into DA, it was hard to hear what people shared, because they talked about things that I hid from.

“Looking back, I was so isolated.  I could be in a room full of people and still feel unique.  I was a poser, secretly ashamed of how badly I handled money, but publicly I had to look good.

“I was never really honest about my feelings of shame around debt and bankruptcy.  After all, who would want to hear that stuff, so I thought.

“I suffered from ‘terminal uniqueness’.  I thought I was the only one going through these feelings.

“My sponsor helped me see that I was not alone, and that there was a solution.  With help, I became comfortable with the idea that the universe had a plan for me, and I could be in harmony with it.

“I turned my life and my will over to the journey back to sanity and solvency.”

DA Step Three:

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

DA Tool Three:


We have found it essential to our recovery to have a sponsor and to be a sponsor. A sponsor is a recovering debtor who guides us through the Twelve Steps and shares his or her own experience, strength, and recovery.


Have I discovered with my sponsor’s help how to include my Higher Power in all areas of my life – to not just compartmentalize my Higher Power?

Meditation for today:

When negativity surrounds you, trust in the power of love in the universe.  Monumental peace comes to those who surrender to that love, which is freely offered to anyone who is willing to receive it.

Affirmation for today:

“I have courage to let go of unimportant things and focus on universal truth.”

“I will include my Higher Power in all my decisions today.”

A Currency of Hope: The basic text of Debtors Anonymous.

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