Sane Money Habits

Thought for today: Compulsive debtors have distorted thinking about money.  They can feel ashamed about this, which leads to isolation that keeps them from getting help. A member shares: “I used to beat myself up when I had anxiety about money (which was always).  I thought it was a sign that I was weak-willed.  That […]

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How to Be Mindful About Money

Thought for today: We need to find a source of strength to help us get through money situations.  If we can find a Higher Power, we find new awareness and perspective about compulsive debting, overspending and underearning. A member shares: “Money is the reason I came to DA.  I couldn’t handle it without anxiety.  Even just holding […]

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Creating Wealth

Thought for today: There is no magic spell to increase your income. It takes creativity, focus, hard work, passion and discipline to create wealth, or anything of value. Creativity means trusting your instincts enough to test them out in the laboratory of life.  It means choosing where to focus your effort between competing interests. Many alternatives […]

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Thought for today: We all want abundance, right?  A chance to get ahead in life, have security, happiness. The problem comes to some of us who choose to use credit as a shortcut to abundance. For whatever reasons, the problem is the same: Compulsive debtors are powerless over the intoxicating effects of unsecured debt. No leverage is ever bought with […]

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Being Our Own Financial Safety Nets

Thought for today: Some people grow up believing they can’t manage money like “normal people”.  They believe that someone else has to take control, and they become financially dependent on that person or entity.  They feel they need to be managed like a naughty child.  Their self-esteem is low. Signpost #12 of compulsive debting (DA): “A feeling or hope that someone will take care […]

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Start Here

Welcome to! ( or for short).  This site is all about daily reflections grounded in Debtors Anonymous and related themes.  We give compulsive debtors a thought for the day, affirmations, meditations to aid in their recovery.  To see more about us, make sure to check the About PlentyTML page. How do I know if I am a compulsive […]

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Restless, Irritable and Discontented? (How To Deal With It!)

Thought for today: One debtor shared about shopping addiction: “When I shop it’s like the gates of heaven open up!   Total escape!  Then the voices in my head say, ‘If other people can use credit cards, why not me? “My husband is also in DA recovery.  While going through his wallet one day, I saw  a store card and […]

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Here are some useful tools to anyone working to maintain Solvency*.  We’ve included links to popular templates on this site, and links to literature sold on Amazon which we feel will help you on your journey toward “Plenty of Time, Money and Love”! Clicking on the Amazon links will bring you to the Amazon website […]

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February 25, “Why should I be responsible for my own recovery?” Why Business Meetings Matter (Tool Ten)

Thought for today: One of the signposts of being a compulsive debtor is the longing to have someone else take care of us “in case things get really bad”.  In other words, we find ways to reinforce the idea that we “can’t handle it ourselves” – “it” being the business of life. At some point […]

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