“I Changed My Attitude and Increased My Income”

Thought for today: Underearning can become a self-fulfilling prophecy where we believe it will never get better.  That attitude is hard to change and often leads to despair. A member shares: “My income stagnated for years, even though I had an advanced degree.  It felt like it was against the laws of society and nature for me to […]

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“How My Self-defeating Attitude From Childhood Toward Money Changed”

Thought for today: Ideas have real power.  They can ‘put a man on the moon’, or propel a spaceship to Pluto, the farthest planet in our solar system. Some ideas can inspire great things, while others can rob us of opportunity and serenity. Sometimes we inherit ideas and attitudes from family or friends that are incongruous with prosperity.  Self-defeating […]

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