The Biggest Sign Of Being a Compulsive Shopper, and a Surprising Antidote

Thought for today: As holidays approach and family gift giving is on the agenda, we pause to think about compulsive shopping. DA Sign 4 of being a compulsive debtor: Compulsive shopping: Being unable to pass up a “good deal”; making impulsive purchases; leaving price tags on clothes so they can be returned; not using items you’ve […]

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April 19, How to Stop Compulsive Shopping, Gain Inspired Awareness (And Heed Signpost #4 That You May Be a Compulsive Debtor)

Thought for today: Do I return a complement with the price tag quote? Do I regret buying something soon after you bring the merchandise home?  After the newness wears off, is there “buyer’s remorse”, lost receipts, and vagueness like a hangover? Compulsive shopping, especially when using credit cards to pay for it, happens quickly in […]

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