“Why Don’t I Want to Track My Numbers?”

If we are not tracking our expenses, income and savings to the penny, and yet want what other members have received from working the D.A. program, we’ll need to first get honest with ourselves. “I feel so inadequate tracking my numbers. I was never any good at math!” “I really have to get better at […]

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Where Is God? A Suggested Map To Finding Your Higher Power.

A friend calls out to us in anguish for help. Circumstances have brought him here in desperation. We listen attentively to the litany, fragments of a puzzle. Each block of the Mosaic. Page after page, he pours out grief over injustices, some imagined, some real. Finally, the exact nature of wrongs is acknowledged, and a […]

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How Affirmations Attract Prosperity.

We use affirmations in DA to stop the self-limiting messages we may be telling ourselves, and to replace them with ideas to improve our attitudes, energize our work, attract wealth – whatever helps us toward our goals .  Here are some wealth-attracting affirmations. They are purposely in the present tense to help energize us. Notice […]

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How to Help Newcomers Find Solvency in D.A..

D.A. old timers see a lot of new people come to one meeting and never come back. Some of these newcomers appear to be window shopping for financial advice.  They feel unspeakable agony over their debts, and desperately seek a quick fix for the pain. Most old timers in the program will listen and reflect on this, and […]

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Our Common Welfare, the Reason for Tradition One.

In DA we all come from different backgrounds and professions, but we focus on our common problem of debting, overspending and under earning. Our disease is no respecter of persons, and neither is our recovery. It is fitting that our first Tradition makes it clear we must “hang together or hang separately”, so to speak. […]

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Overcoming Denial, Having an Epiphany and Accepting Prosperity.

One member talks about going through a humiliating bankruptcy. Being cross-examined by attorneys in the judges chambers, she became upset, began to cry, and got angry. She felt cornered and ashamed.  Years of panic bubbled up into her automatic fight-or-flight responses.  Nothing seemed to work this time. “Having my own business, I had gone through three […]

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Use Pleasant Surroundings for Unpleasant Tasks.

Having trouble getting motivated to do your bill paying, mail opening, number tracking?  Consider the simple benefit of pleasant surroundings. Sitting in a comfortable chair, put on some essence music, whatever it takes to bring about Serenity. It makes the task so much easier. Some people prefer sitting in a coffee shop with Wi-Fi, doing […]

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How to Maximize Your Life’s Bandwidth.

Consider the brilliance of the human mind as revealed in our ability to interpret the unexpected world around us and create something totally new.  We’ve evolved as a species to combine present circumstances with what we have learned to elect a potentially brand new future.  If the channel is clear enough to process all the information we are receiving, […]

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Transforming Our Creativity into Prosperity,

A man shared one day about getting on the phone with a bank at one particularly low point in his debting history and impersonating his wife’s voice so he could open yet another credit card to take advantage of a temporary 0% offer. In a high-pitched voice he gave them all her personal information… Years later […]

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Is it Time for a Courageous Conversation ™?

One member reflected on the one-month moratorium  he had arranged with his creditors, in writing, and the process of transforming these relationships: “During that first month in D.A. I detoxed from the negative effects of compulsive debt, overspending, and worry.  I needed the month to heal.  I had my hands full just not debting one day at […]

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