How an Atheist Found a Higher Power To Unlock the Door to Solvency

Thought for today: Sanity is a relative term. A person can seem perfectly normal in most ways, and yet be totally insane in one key area. Our relation to debt is like that. We need to admit that we are not like normal people when it comes to debt, spending and earning. Our disease beats […]

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The Step 2 Decision, And Why We Need to Make It

Thought for today: Step 2 is like birthing a baby in one respect:  No one can do it for you.  People can give us advice about how they did it.  They can cheer us on.  (Sometimes that can be irritating, actually. Sometimes  we don’t want to hear it, and we may wish that this Higher Power business could be […]

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How DA Restores Sanity

Thought for today: What does DA mean when we talk about “insanity”?  In DA terms, it is insane to think that we can use credit cards like normal people. The fellowship of DA can help us live without credit cards.  We can use cash, track our numbers, and review our spending habits with others in the […]

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Came To Believe

Thought for today: If nothing changes, nothing changes.  If we don’t find a way to let go of debting once and for all, we know it will return.  But how do we really change? A member shares: “I am a debt addict.  Not everything was my fault, but it’s true that I made a lot of bad choices with money. […]

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Believe In the Possibility of Solvency

Thought for today: The lifestyle of escalating debt leads to a downward-spiral in a person’s self-esteem.  Panic becomes a way of life.  Creditors’ calls plagued us at every turn.  We couldn’t breath, it was so constricting.  It was insane to live this way.   But what was the alternative? A member shares: “I really didn’t have much choice […]

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How Step Two Opens the Door for Solvency

Thought for today: Sanity is a relative term.  A person can seem perfectly normal in most ways, and yet be totally insane in one key area.  Our relation to debt is like that. We need to admit that we are not like normal people when it comes to debt, spending and earning.  Our disease beats us […]

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