Thought for today:
How vague we were about our money before DA! How overwhelming, the thought of tax time! People around us always seemed to be able to handle money.
What was wrong with us? What did they know that we didn’t? We tried hard to balance our checkbook, only to give up in a desperate cry for mercy.
Even those of us who tracked other people’s money successfully had trouble when it came to our own money. And where did that extra $100 we had in our wallet go?
Tool 2:Record Maintenance
“We maintain records of our daily income, expenses, of our savings, and of the retirement of any portion of our outstanding debt.”
Doing our numbers is actually a simple process. There are many tools available to us (see the post on mint for just one). It’s our feelings about our money – the emotional baggage – that is complicated. When our feelings take over, reason takes a back seat.
How simple life is when we simply track everything to the penny, reconcile our numbers daily, and bookend when we feel the need a kind word of encouragement!
Am I keeping my numbers today?
Meditation for today:
A snowball needs to roll freely down a hill for a long while before it grows. Yet it takes almost no effort to stop it while it is small. That way it will never become an avalanche. So, too, with our numbers. One day is just the right amount of work to maintain our numbers, and our sanity.
Affirmation for today:
Doing my numbers is an amend I will make to myself. My numbers are simple. I have nothing to worry about. I have all the tools I need to help me do my numbers today. And if I track today, my numbers will be there when I need them tomorrow.
Prayer for today:
If I ever doubt that I have been saved from this terrible disease of debt and phobia about money, let me always remember that the days add up on their own, without any help.
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