Finding Courage To Deal With Creditors

Healing starts when we begin believing there is something to hope for.

Thought for today: “Feelings aren’t facts,” a wise person said once.  If we feel panic or dread at the thought of opening the mail or answering the telephone, we can remember that the panic is real only to the degree that we take part in the game that the disease of compulsive debting has set up […]

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April 27: Financial Stress, and the Courage To Change Our Attitudes About Money (Using the Twelve Tools and Twelve Steps of Debtors Anonymous)

Thought for today: The stress of being a compulsive debtor is bound to take its toll.  Living close to the edge leaves our nerves shot.   After years of declining incomes, under earning and over spending, we can  feel worn down. We didn’t get this bad overnight, and we won’t get better overnight.  But change will […]

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