The Paradox of Winning By Surrendering

Thought for today: A central idea of DA is that of the Higher Power.  In Step 2, we  sought strength beyond ourselves, accessible, that we can turn to in need.  The But how could we reckon our lives with  that power? At DA meetings, you can hear a lot of financial horror stories – bankruptcy, […]

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Use Pleasant Surroundings for Unpleasant Tasks.

Having trouble getting motivated to do your bill paying, mail opening, number tracking?  Consider the simple benefit of pleasant surroundings. Sitting in a comfortable chair, put on some essence music, whatever it takes to bring about Serenity. It makes the task so much easier. Some people prefer sitting in a coffee shop with Wi-Fi, doing […]

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Is it Time for a Courageous Conversation ™?

One member reflected on the one-month moratorium  he had arranged with his creditors, in writing, and the process of transforming these relationships: “During that first month in D.A. I detoxed from the negative effects of compulsive debt, overspending, and worry.  I needed the month to heal.  I had my hands full just not debting one day at […]

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