4 Ideas To Start Off the New Year

Thought for today: The end of the year is the perfect time to focus on where we’ve been and where we want to be. The destination is the journey.  It’s a more pleasant journey when we know where we want to go. A member shares: “When the year begins, it helps me to take an inventory on where I’ve been and where […]

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April 13, A Simple Technique to Declutter Your ‘My Documents’ Folder And Be Able to Find Anything

Though for today: A member shares: “I am a writer and I use my computer for personal and business purposes.  The other day I realized that  my ‘My Documents’ folder was a mile long and I couldn’t find an important script I had written, so I knew I had to do something fast to find it. […]

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March 8, DA Promise Seven: “There Is Enough”

Thought for today: Although it is try that time and money are finite, we should always remember that there are almost infinite possibilities for how we spend them.  And we have the power of choice. DA promise Seven: “We will recognize that there is enough; our resources will be generous and we will share them […]

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February 8, Sponsoring Is Gratitude In Action

Thought for today: Another DA principle we practice is gratitude.  Gratitude for the progress we’ve made in our personal recovery.  Gratitude for the help and inspiration we’ve found in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Tools of DA.  And, especially, gratitude for being able to give back as a sponsor. As a sponsor we share with someone […]

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Twelve ways that decluttering helps us “live within our means, without our means defining us”.

The third DA promise states that “we will live within our means, yet our means will not define us.” Newcomers find it hard to imagine a life without feelings of deprivation, insatiable binge overspending, or exhausting overwork. But DA experience proves it is not only possible, but likely! Working the program brings about a quality […]

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