Expectations: Resentments In Training Wheels

Thought for today: When we expect others to behave a certain way, it sets us up for anger.  They have free will, and they resent being manipulated. Expectations and resentment lead us down a rabbit hole that brings us to debt and despair.  We need to constantly be on guard for attempts to control others. DA Step 4: […]

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Living In Reality

Thought for today: Fear ran our lives.  It consumed us.  The mailbox, the telephone, email.  All caused dread.  When was the next creditor going to make us miserable? DA Promise 10: We will no longer fear the truth; we will move from hiding in denial to living in reality. A member shares: “Before DA, I was always […]

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Overcoming Debt-Denial

"I experienced timelessness on this vacation. Now that I am back, I feel more clear and energized than ever."

Thought for today: “Purposeful forgetting” is one of the ways we stayed in denial about our financial and emotional losses. Nevertheless, compulsive debting, reactive spending binges, and self-defeating under earning are forms of insanity, and they only get worse over time.  Until we start to deal with our debting, let go of denial (pride) and admit powerlessness over debting, […]

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Dealing With the Disease of Compulsive Debting

Thought for today: Having a “disease” (“dis-ease”) implies a “lack of ease”.  It’s like an allergy, which left untreated, gets aggravated, and progressively worse. Compulsive debtors have an allergy to credit cards, which often includes the aggravating addiction of overspending and/or chronic under earning. To accept that we have such a problem takes us effort.  Who wants to admit that they have a disease? […]

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Acceptance Leads to Prosperity

Thought for today: History is strewn with stories of people denying their need to change, resisting to the end.  Dictators have fought to the last breath.  Alcoholics sometimes need to lose everything to try recovery.  What is it about denial that is so blinding? Embarrassment, spurred on by pride, keeps us in denial. It’s embarrassing to […]

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April 15, How to Get Truly Free From the Obsession to Debt and Not Settle for a Quick Fix. (Or, “Oh, Was Today Tax Day?”)

Thought for today: Tax day is just another day, but before we came to DA, for many of us it was a major source of dread.  We had no idea how to track our expenses and income, and we relied on experts to deliver us from the hell that was filing out the forms. A […]

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