Scrooge’s Step 7 Lesson

Thought for today: The folklore of the “evil creditor” runs deep in our culture.  The hero must rescue the damsel in distress from the clutches of the evil villain who is threatening to foreclose on her mother’s mortgage if she doesn’t marry him… No wonder that compulsive debtors who are actively debting are prone to panic.  Creditors […]

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Overcoming Envy and Greed

Thought for today: Greed and envy work against our recovery.  They tell us that we don’t have enough – that life is a “zero-sum game” in which we must claw our way to the top, taking what we can. This limited thinking leads to compulsive debting,  gossip, stealing, manipulation and many other defects of character.  It proves that we […]

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Dealing With the Emotional Triggers of “Black Friday”.

Thought for today: “Got to have it.  No way to be without it.  One day only!  Black Friday is here!  Don’t miss it!…” Bombarded with ads to buy, how can you resist?  Think of the romance lost and the people you let down who count on you if you don’t spend! Anyone sensitive to this […]

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