When Is Pride a Character Defect?

Thought for today: The word “pride” means “deep satisfaction in our own achievements, or those of others”.  It can separate “us” from “them”, making “us” come out better and “them”, worse off.  In this sense, “put down” pride is destructive, and the extent to which we entertain it, we destroy peace. A member shares: “I used to believe […]

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Humility As a Spiritual Tool

Thought for today: Moving through the Twelve Steps, we find that self-centeredness often run and ruin lives.  But we can escape the cycles of selfishness.   Humility is a gift that comes from the awareness of our selfish motives, and it can  guide us. A member shares: “I was humiliated by my debt.  Family ridiculed me.  I dared not […]

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An End to Isolation

Thought for today: Debting is a lonely place.  Pride and fear kept us isolated from others.  Overworking at multiple jobs to pay our creditors and make ends meet, the ends never did meet, and we sulk.  We feel we never make enough money and we resent those who seem to have enough. When we spent with credit cards on clothes, accessories, spa […]

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April 24, The Difference Between “Surrender” and “Giving Up” Is All in the “Attitude”

Thought for today: We talk a lot about surrendering to the disease of debting, and the need to turn our life and will over to a Higher power.  But what does that mean exactly?  If we let go and turn our lives over to the care of a Higher Power, what’ll be left of us […]

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March 18, What Is Humility?

Thought for today: In DA we learn the difference between two kinds of pride: the appreciation kind (loving your grandkids, pride in country, gratitude for the life we have) and the arrogance kind (haughtiness, “know-it-all-ism”).  The latter kind gets us in trouble, and when we are finally rebuked by the world (as is often the […]

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February 7, How Seeking Humility Leads to Progress

Thought for today: Humility is an acquired taste. No one seeks it without exhausting the opposites of arrogance, haughtiness, pride, anger, fear… Practicing the 12 steps can lead to humility, to a place where we can have a spiritual awakening sufficient to replace our compulsion to live beyond our means. In the past we may […]

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January 29, How Humility Frees Us Of Our Shortcomings

Thought for today: Step seven is: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. Humility is knowing of the truth about yourself, that you are not the center of the universe, that you are not God, and that other people are just as important as you. We humble ourselves before the “Ultimate Other”, unburdening ourselves of […]

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The 11th Step Prayer

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace, that where there is hatred I may sow love, that where there is wrong, the spirit of forgiveness, That way there is discord, harmony, that where there is error, truth, that where there is doubt, faith, that where there is despair, hope, that where there are shadows, light, that […]

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“Desiderata”, Ideals that Inspire Peace

Let these words inspire you today. Meditation for Today (courtesy of Max Ehrmann, from his classic free verse, “Desiderata“*): “Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; […]

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