“Service”, the Spirit of Tradition Eight

Thought for today: DA helps compulsive debtors get better.  It does this when members help other members. DA also has service workers, who take care of administrative and legal requirements of operating a Non-Profit Organization. A member shares: “In DA, we have a clear division of labor.  Members share their experience, strength and hope.  We share our numbers with our Pressure […]

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Where Do You Fit In?

Thought for today: If everyone sincerely tried to live according to the 12 Steps of recovery, the world would be a better place. The 12 Traditions could bring harmony.  The 12 Concepts of World Service could inspire a harmonious planed. The world would be a very different place if we lived according to the principles of recovery, unity and service. […]

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How the Three Legacies of “Recovery, Unity and Service” Bring Peace

Thought for today: There are three legacies in D.A.: Recovery, Unity, and Service. Peace of mind comes to us when we work the DA program.  As we learn about the program we find hope.  We see others having recovered from hardships and living happy, useful lives.  We gain friendships built on mutual trust having shared […]

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March 30, How “Happiness is a Byproduct of a Life Well Lived”

Thought for today: A member shares: “I used to think material well-being was the answer, and if people only behaved as I wished and gave me what I felt I deserved, I would be happy.  I’m surprised I got by on that thinking as long as I did. “My thinking was warped by self-centered fear.  I […]

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February 26, Why Do Service? (Tool Eleven)

Thought for today: “It’s so inconvenient to volunteer to do service in my group. Why bother?” Haven’t we all said this to ourselves at one time or another?  We may excuse ourselves for not showing up at a meeting when we’re tired or the weather’s bad (but still do-able).  How many times did we go […]

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