10 Affirmations To Attract Prosperity

Thought for today: We use affirmations in DA because they help stop the self-limiting messages some of us tell ourselves, and because they replace those messages with better ideas to improve our attitudes, energize our work, and attract wealth. A member shares: “When I use affirmations, I coax prosperity out of the future.  Affirmations help me visualize the future, […]

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9 Affirmations to Attract Prosperity

...we tried to carry this message to compulsive debtors, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Thought for today: Before DA, many compulsive debtors suffer from low self-esteem.  We may have had a painful history. We start using affirmations in DA to stop the self-limiting messages we tell ourselves.  These help improve our attitudes, energize our work, and begin to attract wealth again. A member shares: “When I cam into DA, my self-talk was all negative. […]

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Creating Wealth

Thought for today: There is no magic spell to increase your income. It takes creativity, focus, hard work, passion and discipline to create wealth, or anything of value. Creativity means trusting your instincts enough to test them out in the laboratory of life.  It means choosing where to focus your effort between competing interests. Many alternatives […]

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