April 14, “What the Heck is Going On Around Here?”* (Signpost #1 that you may be a compulsive debtor)

Thought for today:
Have you ever felt clueless about where your money was going?  Have you ever said these things to out loud or to yourself?
“You’ve got to be kidding me!  $35 for being one day late?”
“You mean to tell me I get charged for every ;$&@@ mile over the lease allowance?”
“You mean it was just 0% for the first 12 months, and then it goes up to 28.9%?”

“I have no freaking idea where all my cash went this week. It just flew out of my wallet like it had wings!  Did you take it?”

You, my friend, have come to the right place!   We have reserved a chair waiting for you  in DA.
Although these situations can be humorous out of context, they can feel exasperating when you go through them routinely.  Trust me,  ignorance is not always bliss.
Signpost One:
“Being unclear about your financial situation. Not knowing account balances, monthly expenses, loan interest rates, fees, fines, or contractual obligations.”
Do I know where I need more clarity about my finances?  Do I know what I don’t know?
Meditation for today:
Seek understanding and wisdom like a deer longs for running streams.  Clarity of mind and purpose is like refreshing water.
There is nothing that can seriously threaten you if you heed the clues you are given to the answers.  Your Higher Power always lifts the veil of ignorance from your eyes to let you see the truth when you are ready.
It is only difficult to face the truth if you are running from HP’s light.
Affirmation for today:
“I have one million dollars in my bank account.  I know it sounds crazy, and I don’t know how it got there, but it’s there.”
Prayer for today:
“I pray that I never lose my sense of humor about my finances.  After all, it’s only money!”
Great Read:

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