How Important Is a “Good Credit Score”?

Thought for today: What good is a credit score?  It depends on what our needs are.  Sometimes it’s important, and other times not so much. A member shares: “When I came to DA, my credit score was tanking and it terrified me.  I had so many late and inconsistent payments that I was spending more on late fees and interest […]

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How to Get From Negative Net-Worth to Positive Self-Worth in D.A.

Thought for today: Our creditors are just doing their jobs when they call us for money.  Whether we feel they are rude or nice to us, it is really just business to them.  They want to make their numbers for the month. In preparing to talk with creditors, we need to work our program of recovery one day […]

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Scrooge’s Step 7 Lesson

Thought for today: The folklore of the “evil creditor” runs deep in our culture.  The hero must rescue the damsel in distress from the clutches of the evil villain who is threatening to foreclose on her mother’s mortgage if she doesn’t marry him… No wonder that compulsive debtors who are actively debting are prone to panic.  Creditors […]

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Step Seven: Humility and Asking

Thought for today: Material satisfaction is not the purpose of living, but many of us deceived ourselves into thinking that way.  Coming from deprivation, we confused the ends with the means, and thought that wealth and power were ends in themselves. The truth is, wealth and power are only valuable inasmuch as we put them to good use. A member […]

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3 Ways Step 10 Can Rescue Shopaholics

Thought for today: REMINDER: No matter what the commercials may claim, buying a new car during the holidays does not equal love.  It’s transportation.  It’s style.  It might be sleek, fun to drive, great on gas or maybe even an electric car, but it is not love and it never will be love. Yet advertisers […]

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Why Anonymity Works

Thought for today: DA is better off when its members avoid publicly announcing their membership to the media. Members are better off, too, when they take part anonymously, instead of in the media spotlight. DA Tradition 12: Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. A […]

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5 Tips To Avoid Shopping Addiction This Holiday Season, and “Save 100% By Not Buying Now!”

Thought for today: The media pressure to shop can be uncomfortable for compulsive shoppers new to DA.  When we open email this time of year, we might find hundreds of unsolicited “Black Friday Sale” emails.  Turning on the T.V., we may see dozens of commercials that seem to blend love and Santa Claus with 0% Down notices to […]

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A Simple Technique to Stop Time-Debting

Thought for today: We talk about “time-wasting” like it’s a bad thing, but it’s not.  Sometimes, wasting time helps us break through a barrier. A member shares: “I am a workaholic.  I work all the time to pay bills and creditors.  Even when I am not on the job, I need to be productive.  I […]

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7 Habits That Make Our Recovery Blossom

Thought for today: When we were still suffering the effects of active debting, under earning and overspending, we became desperate people.  Financial chaos had become familiar – even normal, with drama at every turn.  We wanted to hide and have someone take it all away. A member shares: “When I was a kid, I learned to behave.  I didn’t […]

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Why Debting, Underearning and Overspending Are Core Addictions

Thought for today: Compulsive debtors, in a desperate need to escape the grief of financial self-destruction,  have sometimes turned to drugs, alcohol, food, sex, gambling, or other compulsions.   When overspending and debting no longer work, when debating’s degrading aftereffects destroy all peace of mind, we sought escape. The outcome is never good.  We make matters worse.  We may become dually-addicted. […]

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