Tips For Making a Gratitude List

Thought for today: Gratitude sustains us.  It cannot coexist with resentment.  It helps us deal with petty frustrations and despair over past mistakes.  It is optimistic.  We don’t feel like hiding.  In the worst of times, gratitude improves our lives.  How do we get gratitude? A member shares: “I had many resentments when I first […]

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“Black Friday” Emotional Triggers To Spend

Thought for today: “Got to have it!  No way to be without it!  One day only!  Black Friday is here!  Don’t miss it!…” During the holiday season the media bombards us with ads to buy.  How can we resist?  There is a romance about spending – it is intoxicating! Think of the people we’d let down – the ones who count […]

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Step Six

Thought for today: Having gone through the first five Steps, Step Six makes it simple: If we want to recover from debt addiction, and have healing from the defects discovered in Step Five, we need to become willing to switch from our way of doing things to our Higher Power’s way.  With guidance from our Sponsors, and honest introspection, we […]

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How To Handle Disruptions In Meetings

Thought for today: It’s easy to judge another person’s lack of commitment to recovery.  If we see them missing meetings or arriving late all the time, we may feel that their priorities are wrong.  When they complain about being unable to bring themselves to track their numbers, we may wonder what it will take for them to hit bottom. Sometimes […]

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3 Steps to Transforming Our Lives

Thought for today: In the DA pamphlet on Visions, we learn that our vision can be something uniquely ours.  How do we find our “Vision”? A member shares: “When I made my first Visions meeting,I didn’t know what to make of it.  It felt strange and selfish to think of what I wanted.  Why had I […]

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Sales, And When to Avoid Them

Thought for today: A person meanders through stores for hours on end.  Maybe it’s one store.  They feel compelled to buy many things they didn’t plan on.  Maybe they spend nothing, and go without food just to “window shop”. They may not even have something specific they plan to buy.  They may not even enjoy the process. […]

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Grateful Gift-Giving

Thought for today: Many of us celebrate holidays with gift-giving.  Some of us keeping giving beyond a healthy point and don’t know when to stop. Gift-giving should be a joyful thing, but we don’t want to over-do it, right?  How?  A member shares: “I used to give a lot to people during the holidays, to the […]

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The Biggest Sign Of Being a Compulsive Shopper, and a Surprising Antidote

Thought for today: As holidays approach and family gift giving is on the agenda, we pause to think about compulsive shopping. DA Sign 4 of being a compulsive debtor: Compulsive shopping: Being unable to pass up a “good deal”; making impulsive purchases; leaving price tags on clothes so they can be returned; not using items you’ve […]

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How to Deal With Our Feelings From Step 5

Thought for today: Step 5 talks about a mysterious barrier between us and the people we meet.  We debtors delude those around us almost as much as we delude ourselves. DA Step 5: Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. When we finally took an inventory of ourselves, […]

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“Stuff Happens – So Don’t Count On No Stuff Happening!”

Thought for today: Debtors in their denial are irrationally optimistic.  They are above worrying about money – that is for mere mortals.  We need a Spending Plan that includes a Savings Plan. DA Tool 5, Spending Plan: The spending plan puts our needs first and gives us clarity and balance in our spending. It includes […]

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