Audacious Goals

Thought for today: Sometimes we need to claim our own future with specific goals. Then if we share our visions with trusted friends as if they have already happened, we set the bar high for ourselves.  When we have truly committed ourselves, we often find that we will do everything in our power to make our goals.  This is a healthy use […]

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Expectations: Resentments In Training Wheels

Thought for today: When we expect others to behave a certain way, it sets us up for anger.  They have free will, and they resent being manipulated. Expectations and resentment lead us down a rabbit hole that brings us to debt and despair.  We need to constantly be on guard for attempts to control others. DA Step 4: […]

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“Life’s Not Fair!”

Thought for today: Sometimes life is unfair.  Some people are born into wealth, others into  poverty.  Nepotism happens, and as a result, some people always have the advantage of knowing the inside scoop.   Accidents of birth makes a cluster of entrepreneurs who are in the right place at the right time to create incredible inventions. A person could feel […]

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“Will I Ever Have Clarity Again?”

Thought for today: Vague, lacking confidence, confused, indecisive.  When many of us come into DA, we feel bewildered.  How did we get so off course?  And how do we get back our lives? DA Promise 2: Clarity will replace vagueness. Confidence and intuition will replace confusion and chaos. We will live engaged lives, make decisions […]

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Why We Put “Our Needs First”

...we tried to carry this message to compulsive debtors, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Thought for today: Being in debt is a temporary situation, but some debtors think it is the end of the world.  They can’t buy food or electricity because they need to make payments to creditors. Why do we put creditors needs first?  Because we neglect reality.  We forget that we exist.  Only the object of […]

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Are Student Loans “Secured Assets”?

Thought for today: Many of us thought of student loans as being “secured assets“, but they are not.  Degrees are valuable, but are not financial assets.  The education we get is not technically an asset. Although student loans are usually cheaper than credit card debt, they are just as dangerous for the compulsive debtor to engage in. […]

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10 Things Every New DA Member Should Know

Thought for today: If we are new to DA, we will want to get right into the program of recovery and give DA a chance to help us.  There are a few things we can benefit from knowing right away, as we approach this new way of thinking about money. A member shares: “When I first came […]

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7 Ways Self-Honesty in DA Promise 11 Leads to Solvency

Thought for today: In DA, Solvency means to not incur unsecured debt, one day at a time.  Whether or not we still have debt we incurred before DA doesn’t stop us from being solvent today. All it takes is that we transform our relationship to money and people, and that takes some heavy doses of self-honesty.  Then, we can go through the […]

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Detaching From Difficult Personalities Leads to Peace

Thought for today: Compulsive debtors usually take more than their share of abuse from others.  By the time they get to DA, they’ve felt humiliation and shame over someone else’s behavior. Many of us even go further into debt to appease an abusive family member.  We deny they are hurting us.  We want to believe […]

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Decluttering Financial Records Leads to Prosperity

Thought for today: Whether we are in business for ourselves, or not, de-cluttering our financial records brings much-needed clarity.  BDA’s Third Tool encourages this. BDA Tool 3: We keep clean, orderly and accurate financial records, including Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Cash on Hand, Inventory, Assets, and Outstanding Debts, and put all tax and bill due […]

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