When “Will Power” Is A Good Thing

"I experienced timelessness on this vacation. Now that I am back, I feel more clear and energized than ever."

Thought for today: The Twelve Steps help us find a Spiritual Awakening.  They are in the order they are in for a reason. For example, we need to “come to believe” before we can turn ourselves over to the power.  But what does DA mean when it says we need to “turn our will and our lives over […]

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Protecting DA From Us

Thought for today: We are not a secret society.  Through the Traditions of AA, we have found that people are better off not publicly proclaiming their affiliation with DA.  Not for our sake, but for DA’s sake, do we want to not align with a person’s opinions outside of DA, which will inevitably come to […]

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Our Common Welfare Depends on Putting Principles Before Personalities

Thought for today: When a DA group joins together in unity to carry its message, it attracts newcomers.  If a DA group is fractious, with members publicly working against each other during meetings, it hurts the group, and DA. We must stay vigilant against becoming self-important or overbearing.  DA has brought us solvency, and we must […]

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“How Do I Practice These Principles in All My Affairs?”

...we tried to carry this message to compulsive debtors, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Thought for today: The Twelve Steps are tools to help us find a life again.  We can finally place first things first, and improve our attitude in the face of life’s frustrations.  We have found a new basis for living, a formula that works in spite of tough times. We can’t deny that there are forces that […]

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21 Affirmations to Attract Prosperity, Happiness, and Healing in Step 11

Thought for today: Affirmations help shape our consciousness.  In the Eleventh Step, we can use affirmations to reinforce where we want to be. A member shares: “When I use affirmations, I start to feel more relaxed and empowered.  Affirmations that speak to my heart seem inspired by my ‘Higher Power’, providing me clear guidance on the best place […]

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Maintaining Solvency With Step 10

We express gratitude when we appreciate the beauty around us.

Thought for today: Step Ten is simple.  We’ve already done each piece of it in Steps 4-9.  And it helps keep us on track in maintaining our solvency. In the earlier Steps, we’ve taken a moral inventory, shared it with our Higher Power and another human being.  We’ve become entirely ready to remove our shortcomings, […]

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Making Direct Amends

Thought for today: Recovery starts by taking care of ourselves again.  It branches out from a place of self-care.  That’s why a repayment plan can’t come first. We need to find our inner truth first.  We need to know what our income and expenses are for a month. A member shares: “My sponsor shortened my list […]

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Step 8, and the Willingness to Make Amends

Healing starts when we begin believing there is something to hope for.

Thought for today: When we talk about harms done as compulsive debtors, we should probably put ourselves at the top of the list of those affected.  Years of compulsive debting can leave us feeling ashamed, scared, and frustrated.  The debts we incurred may take time to sort out. Our creditors suffered, too.  They expected to be paid on […]

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We Humbly Asked Our Higher Power to Remove Our Shortcomings

Thought for today: How humiliating it can feel to be an active compulsive debtor, suffering ejection from family, creditors, and even jobs who conduct background checks!  The only ones who want to talk with us (it seems) are the debt collectors who keep calling. Step Seven asks us to actively seek humility, as something of value.  No longer […]

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Defects of Character

Thought for today: Having taken Step 5, we have shared a lot about ourselves with another member of the DA fellowship.  We have also learned a lot of truth about ourselves.  What next? Once again we turn to our Higher Power for help.  This time, we ask for relief from character defects standing in the way […]

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