Living In Reality

Thought for today: Fear ran our lives.  It consumed us.  The mailbox, the telephone, email.  All caused dread.  When was the next creditor going to make us miserable? DA Promise 10: We will no longer fear the truth; we will move from hiding in denial to living in reality. A member shares: “Before DA, I was always […]

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Steady Progress With Step 10

"I experienced timelessness on this vacation. Now that I am back, I feel more clear and energized than ever."

Thought for today: Having taken Steps 4 through 9, we have learned a lot about ourselves.  We have identified our main character defects, and sought to heal them. Periodically, we will benefit from checking our motives as we continue to work the DA program.  DA Step 10 combines Steps 4 through 9 into one digestible idea that we can take with […]

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“Happiness Is a By-Product of A Life Well Lived”

Thought for today: What makes us happy?  Is it external or internal to us?  Where does it come from?  Can we hold on to it?  Or is it elusive?  What is happiness – a feeling?  A decision? “Happiness is a byproduct of a life well-lived,” an old-timer shared. Members share: “When I immerse myself in gratitude, […]

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9 Affirmations to Attract Prosperity

...we tried to carry this message to compulsive debtors, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Thought for today: Before DA, many compulsive debtors suffer from low self-esteem.  We may have had a painful history. We start using affirmations in DA to stop the self-limiting messages we tell ourselves.  These help improve our attitudes, energize our work, and begin to attract wealth again. A member shares: “When I cam into DA, my self-talk was all negative. […]

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12 Benefits of De-Cluttering Our Time, Money and Love, and “Keeping It Simple”

Thought for today: We find freedom when we “live within our means”, as the Third DA Promise recommends, “yet our means will not define us.”  DA experience proves that this is not only possible, but likely! But what does “living within our means” really mean?  And how can it benefit us? “Living within our means” can mean many things, but letting go of […]

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Singleness of Purpose and Tradition 10

Thought for today: The fellowship of DA avoids distractions from its primary purpose of helping the suffering debtor get and stay solvent.  Our common welfare comes first because our very solvency depends on working together. For example, we avoid political arguments and religious practices because they could divide us and our common welfare comes first.  Financial contributions are […]

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An Attitude of Gratitude

Thought for today: An attitude of gratitude can inspire us when life’s challenges hit hardest.  Gratitude helps when all else fails. Getting grateful takes time.  First we stop debting.  Then we start acting in our own best interest. We track our numbers using an income and spending template.  We learn how to manage our money in a Pressure […]

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Getting a 10,000 Foot View of How We Fit In With The World

Thought for today: Taking a fearless moral inventory is essential to getting solvent.   It takes courage, but by the time we’re through processing it, we get a  “10,000 foot view” of how we fit in to the rest of the world. A member shares: “The members of my group told me that if I wanted to get past my […]

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How to Stay in “Fit Spiritual Condition” and T.H.I.N.K.

Thought for today: Relationships are not like a cracked phone screen that we can bring to a kiosk in the mall to get fixed.  It takes time to process the feelings we have about the people in our lives. When life brings about extreme feelings and we want to retaliate, DA Step Ten helps.  We can check […]

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“How I Dealt With Time Frustration”

Thought for today: When we are angry, we are living in the past.  When we are afraid, we are living in the future.  Frustration hits when we are not living in the present. We need to creatively find our way back.  This is where Steps Four and Ten can help. A member shares: “I had no […]

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