Taking Time To Process Life Using the Traditions of DA

Thought for today: Life is often chaotic.  We can suddenly discover that the people around us have changed and seem distant. The trajectory of life isn’t neat.  Sometimes it’s not time for the thing we want to happen.  Chaos happens instead.  Sometimes we need to change plans and manage the chaos around us. If we are willing to let go of who […]

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“I’m Not a Bad Person – Why Me?”

"I experienced timelessness on this vacation. Now that I am back, I feel more clear and energized than ever."

Thought for today: Compulsive debtors can have the best intentions before they get to DA. They are sometimes “double winners” – members of other Twelve Step fellowships before they get here, who are actively working their programs.  Some are church regularly to seek spiritual renewal.  Others are active members of civic communities, or parents struggling to feed their children.  The disease […]

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Freedom From the Pressure of Debt

We express gratitude when we appreciate the beauty around us.

Thought for today: When debt accumulates, it is a growing distraction.  All areas of life suffer – home, sleep, and especially work. Our daily work requires focus.  We must commit ourselves to it.  But unsecured debt has a way of requiring our undivided attention… DA Question 2: Does the pressure of your debts distract you from your […]

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Principles Before Difficult Personalities

Thought for today: There is a famous saying that “No man is an island”.  In families, businesses and groups we are not alone. Some people seem to carry toxic feelings around with them all the time, and we feel powerless to deal with or help them.  “…They seem to have been born that way…. but many of them do recover […]

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“My debts are making my home life unhappy”

Thought for today: Compulsive debting doesn’t just affect us, it affects our family too.   Many of us spent in excess on unnecessary items, with little left for family needs. Debting is a family disease.  That’s why the first question to ask ourselves when we consider whether we are a debtor is “Are your debts making […]

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Overcoming Envy and Greed

Thought for today: Greed and envy work against our recovery.  They tell us that we don’t have enough – that life is a “zero-sum game” in which we must claw our way to the top, taking what we can. This limited thinking leads to compulsive debting,  gossip, stealing, manipulation and many other defects of character.  It proves that we […]

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“What Should I Do With My Anger At Work?”

Thought for today: When taking an inventory of character defects, “Resentment is the ‘number one’ offender.” says the book, “Alcoholics Anonymous”.  So too with compulsive debtors! “[Resentment] destroys more alcoholics than anything else. From it stem all forms of spiritual disease, for we have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually sick. […]

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The Importance Of a Prudent Reserve

Thought for today: Sometimes when times get tough and our reserve funds take a hit, we can wind up getting stuck in fear.  We’ll isolate from those closest to us, the very ones who need to know what’s going on. It’s important to be honest with ourselves and with others affected.  Getting to a place of […]

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Finding a Sponsor in DA

Thought for today: After a recent meeting a newcomer asked “I’ve made my six meetings in two weeks, and I’ve decided DA is for me.  Now what?” A member shares: At this point, an old-timer in the group spoke up, saying “It sounds like you’re ready to take certain steps in your recovery.  Remember how […]

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Acceptance of Ourselves

Thought for today: Acceptance is the fifth and last stage of the “five stages of grief*”.  Having gone through denial, anger, bargaining and depression over our debts, it is a welcome relief to be able to see a blue sky again! A member shares: “When I accept myself as I am, and accept my net […]

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