How Promptness Improves Our Cash Flow (BDA Tool 7)

Thought for today: When we are aware of bill due dates, we are in a much safer place as a business owner.  We can pay our bills promptly, affirming good faith with our vendors, and reinforcing the concept that there is plenty of money for everyone. When we invoice our clients promptly we are claiming our […]

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Managing Our Profit Margins (BDA Tool 6)

Thought for today: In business, there are so many competing interests in the course of a day.  It takes vigilance to keep up clarity about profit margins.  Business Debtors Anonymous has a tool for that… BDA Tool 6 We maintain clarity about the overhead and profit margins of every product or service we sell. Members […]

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Spending Our Company’s Money (BDA Tool 5)

Thought for today: Business Debtors Anonymous is a part of Debtors Anonymous.  Business owners, or those who wish to open their own businesses, are welcome to join. The habits of debting, under earning and over spending can appear in businesses as easily as they do in people.  Business owners need to keep vigilant, and guard against frivolous expenditures. […]

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From Self-Centered In The Extreme to Serving DA (Tradition Nine)

Thought for today: Debtors Anonymous doesn’t manage its members. They wouldn’t stand for it!  Our committee positions are simply responsible to members. Members volunteer as Intergroup Representative or General Service Office Representative.  They attend special area meetings and reporting back to groups.  They turn over the job so another member can fulfill the job. Working with its Board of Trustees (as outlined […]

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“Just When I Think I Have All The Answers, They Change The Questions!”

Thought for today: Humility is something to b e sought after, if we are ever going to get over compulsive spending, debting, and underearning. A member shares: “Divorced when I came into DA, I had to pay half my income in alimony and child support.  But the toughest part of the divorce was that my […]

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Creating a Spending Plan That Works For Us

Thought for today: A Spending Plan* is not a budget.  It is a tool to avoid vagueness around our expenses.  If our disease tells us that we want to avoid knowing where our money is going, our Spending Plan offers clarity.  It is the antidote to financial vagueness. A member shares: “Before DA, I kept wonder, “Where is it going? I […]

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“Taking My Higher Power With Me On Vacation”

"I experienced timelessness on this vacation. Now that I am back, I feel more clear and energized than ever."

Thought for today: It’s better to “unplug” from work during our vacations, so we can rejuvenate.  But letting go of work and daily worries is hard for some of us, and we seek to fill the void with something else. What helps us not need to fill the void is to include a Higher Power in our plans.  Our Higher Power is any power greater than […]

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An Important Life Lesson – From Golf!

Thought for today: As we work our DA recovery, we are bound to discover new awareness and feelings about our lives.  We try to process these feelings to grow along spiritual lines. When we are tense, it’s hard to process feelings.  Daily challenges become harder.  When we relax, feelings become easier to deal with. A member shares: “Golf works […]

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Time Investments That Bring Us More Time Tomorrow

Thought for today: There’s a simple way to help us find plenty of time in our lives.  It isn’t prioritizing the level of importance or urgency of our To Do lists, although those things are important.  It’s determining whether what we want to do will bring us more time tomorrow. Interruptions happen at the least opportune time – […]

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Life Unplugged

Thought for today: When we take time off for a change of pace, we can learn about ourselves.  When we refuse to give in to panic about “not being productive,” we can give in to exploration and fun renewal. It’s not that we can never plan for the future or meditate on the past.  It’s that […]

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