Thought for today:
One fringe benefit of working the DA program is peace of mind. Our behaviors are in check if we take a regular personal inventory; we know where our money is going if we have developed our spending plan; we know what our next steps should be from our action plan.
In the old days before DA, we felt like we were on a hamster wheel, running endlessly and mindlessly into oblivion, overreacting to every request. With the DA program of recovery, we are clear about where we are heading, and how far we have come.
There is no reason to panic and be anxious, as long as were working the program. Of course we are human, and these feelings may come up. The program gives us the steps, to inventory ourselves and get back on track.
Do I remember the old panic, and am I aware of how far DA has taken me?
Meditation for today:
Think of your life as a sailboat on the water. If you veer off course, a simple shift in attitude will eventually bring you back on course. In the same way, each day you spend doing the “next right thing” is a day well spent, and you can tell see whether you are on course by trusting your “gut instinct” in taking a “spot check inventory”. If your gut tells you you need to correct a behavior in yourself, you can trust it and make the course correction. You will never get seriously off course if you make it a point to do a daily or nightly review, and admit if things need to change.
Affirmation for today:
The natural flow of my life is toward integrity. I am so much better than before, as a result.
Prayer for today:
“God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.”
For Further Reading:
- A Currency of Hope, Debtors Anonymous. This book is the basic text of the fellowship of Debtors Anonymous.
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