- We keep our DA numbers one day at a time, which leads to clarity about deductions, savings, and income.
- If we have had regular PRG meetings, then tracking out numbers is much simpler too, because all the categories, amounts and dates over time have been tracked and discussed. PRG meetings are like the building blocks of a successful tax preparation structure.
- We use the telephone to bookend with other members about difficult areas of our tax return. Even the darkest scenario can be lifted by calling a friend in DA.
- We attend meetings, to continue sharing about our feelings over our taxes, listening for how others identify with us, and have dealt with those feelings.
- We remain aware of the effects of the media advertising on us, and we pray and meditate on ways to simplify our finances. The media bombards us with messages from tax providers, as well as tempting us to spend to alleviate the anxiety. Often it becomes obvious what we should do if we practice breathing through the emotions as part of our meditation.
- If we have a necessarily complicated return (from owning our own business, or a life transition, for example), we get our Pressure Group’s perspective, as well as our sponsor. We may get just the advice we need to clarify our returns, or we may decide on using a trained tax professional’s services.
“I will listen to the stream of life-force that is trying to work through me.”“Today I will find areas where I can release energy that was blocking me.”
“I pray for willingness to listen to the answers I need to hear. I pray for a calm and serene tax day.”
This 3300-word article on Debtors Anonymous originally appeared in The New York Times Magazine:
A Way Back from Deep Debt: Debtors Anonymous
About the book:
Debtors Anonymous is a 12-Step self-help program modeled on Alcoholics Anonymous that helps its members recover from past debts, negotiate with and pay off all their creditors on a humane and manageable schedule, increase income, and avoid incurring any new unsecured debt going forward.
It enables its members to get free of debt and the act of debting and stay free forever, one day at a time.
While the subject is debt, the deeper issue at Debtors Anonymous is the quality of life. Becoming free of debt and trouble with money leads to profound changes. Members regain control of their own lives, get back self-esteem, and liberate themselves from fear. Prosperity enters their lives, not just financially, but, for many, in everything from their response to a sunny day to the quality of their relationships.
This article explains with examples and quotes from members what Debtors Anonymous is, how it works, what it can do for its members, and how you can take part in it.
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