“Black Friday” Emotional Triggers To Spend

Thought for today: “Got to have it!  No way to be without it!  One day only!  Black Friday is here!  Don’t miss it!…” During the holiday season the media bombards us with ads to buy.  How can we resist?  There is a romance about spending – it is intoxicating! Think of the people we’d let down – the ones who count […]

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The Biggest Sign Of Being a Compulsive Shopper, and a Surprising Antidote

Thought for today: As holidays approach and family gift giving is on the agenda, we pause to think about compulsive shopping. DA Sign 4 of being a compulsive debtor: Compulsive shopping: Being unable to pass up a “good deal”; making impulsive purchases; leaving price tags on clothes so they can be returned; not using items you’ve […]

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