7 Habits That Make Our Recovery Blossom

Thought for today: When we were still suffering the effects of active debting, under earning and overspending, we became desperate people.  Financial chaos had become familiar – even normal, with drama at every turn.  We wanted to hide and have someone take it all away. A member shares: “When I was a kid, I learned to behave.  I didn’t […]

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Why Underearners Struggle Getting Career Advancements

Thought for today: Compulsive underearners chronically underperform on the job.  No matter how hard you feel you are working, you wind up more depressed as tome goes on, and make less money than you need to survive and thrive. Putting aside under earning, we have to admit that there are real pressures going on in the world of work.  The […]

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February 16, Is it Time to Learn Something New?

Thought for today: Ever get jealous of “high achievers” who created “something out of nothing”?  They seem so “lucky” – the entrepreneurs.  Ever wonder what makes some people get “lucky”? While it is true that circumstances (where you are born, your parents, etc.) can bring greater advantage, they are no guarantees of success.  Being successful in some endeavor […]

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How Visions Begin to Reverse Under-earning and Transform Our Lives

Thought for today: One member won a lottery and was shortly in worse debt than ever.  How could this have happened? They had forgotten (or had never learned) the lessons humility teaches.  They stopped humbly tracking their money and working the Twelve Tools.  They stopped growing along spiritual lines through the Twelve Steps. Old timers […]

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