Our Common Welfare Comes First

Thought for today: In DA we all come from different backgrounds and professions, but we focus on our common problem of debting, overspending and under earning.  Our disease is no respecter of persons – and neither is our recovery!  DA Tradition 1. “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon D.A. unity.” A member shares: […]

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Where Do You Fit In?

Thought for today: If everyone sincerely tried to live according to the 12 Steps of recovery, the world would be a better place. The 12 Traditions could bring harmony.  The 12 Concepts of World Service could inspire a harmonious planed. The world would be a very different place if we lived according to the principles of recovery, unity and service. […]

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How the Three Legacies of “Recovery, Unity and Service” Bring Peace

Thought for today: There are three legacies in D.A.: Recovery, Unity, and Service. Peace of mind comes to us when we work the DA program.  As we learn about the program we find hope.  We see others having recovered from hardships and living happy, useful lives.  We gain friendships built on mutual trust having shared […]

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