Thought for today:
Continuing on the theme of sharing and pressure relief, let’s talk about what happens in a Pressure Relief Meeting.
A member shares:
“I like to start my Pressure Meetings with a short prayer like the Serenity Prayer. Then I hand out my numbers and give the group a chance to review them.
“My Pressure Group partners usually ask me what I hope to do by the end of the meeting. I address any specific problems I am going through with my money, and I set goals for finding results during the meeting.
“Our goal is to relieve the pressure I have with money management, work, creditors, etc. I always feel stronger after a Pressure Relief Meeting.”
During the meeting:
Bringing three copies of our numbers so each person can review the numbers clearly, our PRG group asks questions, works to clarify our pain points, and shares their experiences in similar situations.
We usually wind up with an attitude of hope from our PRM. We’ve identified blind spots (such as an aversion to doing our numbers) or areas we have neglected (such as buying clothing, shoes, or grocery shopping).
We learn simple ways to manage money in a PRM, like an envelope system for holding cash earmarked for certain bills or purchases or are given ideas for and encouraged to increase our income. The fellowship we experience with our Pressure Group usually lifts our spirits and propels our program forward.
Do I avail myself of regular pressure meetings?
Meditation for today:
Inspiration comes when we prepare a sacred space for it to occur, and invite God.
Affirmation for today:
“I experience joy and satisfaction when I act on the vision I have for my life.”
“I know I am worthy of satisfying my goals.”
“As I work the program, my pressure is relieved.”
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