Dealing With Depression Over Debt

Healing starts when we begin believing there is something to hope for.

Thought for today:

Depression, the fourth stage of the five stages of grief*, is something we are all familiar with.  Depression held many of us hostage.

Sometimes underneath the feelings that bring us down is the realization that avoiding pain has been our undoing.  Denying we had a problem, being angry over it, trying to find “quick fix deals” doesn’t work.  This bit of truth about ourselves can open up new possibilities.

If we get depressed over our debts we can treat it as a signal, telling us that surrender and acceptance are right around the corner.

A member shares:

“At the end of my debting, the world felt like it was closing in around me.  I owed more than two years’ salary, had no savings, and no assets to speak of.  I had lost everything material in my life except my car, my books and my clothes.  I had to face it: at this rate I would never retire, never be out of debt, and never have peace of mind.  Of course I was depressed!

“I found a meeting in my area, and turned to DA in desperation.  I didn’t know what to expect.  Being ashamed of my story, I vowed to keep my mouth shut and hoped some merciful person would give me the answers to my debt problems.

“Astonishingly, these people shared their stories openly.  Some were much worse than mine.  The message was clear that with the simple program of recovery, there was hope.

“Today I’m solvent in DA, and on my way to being debt-free.  I have what I need to make life work again, and a fellowship that I enjoy.  I hate to think what life would be like if I had stayed in my deepening depression.”

Letting go of depression:

Healing starts when we begin believing there is something to hope for.  We start using the Tools and the Steps.  Along the way, we admit we are powerless over debt, and we find a Higher Power of our understanding to take away our difficulties.

We ask our Higher Power for our former peace of mind to return.  We allow ourselves to feel, slowly at first.

In these ways, our thinking begins to change.  We find ourselves awakening as if from a nightmare, grateful it’s over, getting comfortable with our wakening reality.

Victory over depression can happen, and when it does, it bears witness of Love’s healing power.  Surrendering all, we “Let go,” and let our Higher Power lead us to our truth.

When we see these changes happening it is a sign.  Like a rainbow after heavy rain, we can know that we are on the road to recovery.


Have I turned my thoughts and actions over to my Higher Power’s care today?

Meditation for today:

We can ask our Higher Power release us from worry and self-doubt.  As we humble ourselves to the spirit-force that guides our recovery, asking for relief from self-centered fear, we are free.

Affirmation for today:

“Even though it feels unnatural, I will be mindful that my Higher Power has taken my difficulties from me.  I will let the Higher Power put space between me and my disease.”

On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss

How to Recover in Debtors Anonymous (Whether You’re in that Program or Not): A Primer

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