Thought for today:
Sharing, in DA, means talking about ourselves at a meeting. We talk about our experience with money and creditors (before and after DA), our sources of strength (DA, God, the fellowship, the Steps) and our hope for today and for better days to come as we work the program. Why should we do that?
A member shares:
“I wasn’t familiar with concept of Twelve Step sharing before coming to DA. People from other fellowships that shared at meetings seemed much more comfortable sharing about themselves.
“At first I just listened and tried to make sense of what I was hearing. In the back of my mind I asked myself, ‘Is DA for me?‘
“It was good to hear stories of people dealing with the same whirlwind of emotions and confusion about money that I was dealing with. Even when their experiences or amount of indebtedness was different from mine, I could still identify with their feelings.
“By the example of other members, I learned how the Steps and Tools were the basic program of recovery, and that I’d better start working them into my life if I wanted any serenity to return. Now, having gone through that journey, I’m sharing with newcomers the same way others freely shared with me. That’s how it works.”
Why Share?
First, we feel better when we share something bothering us that was kept a secret. They say, “You are as sick as your secrets”, and compulsive debtors are naturally secretive. Our debt becomes a secret, shameful world we dare not invite others into, until DA lets us freely share about it without judgement.
Second, there is the real possibility that someone at the meeting has experience with the thing we are going through, and can help us. If there is a name for whatever is going on in our lives, then people have done it before, and someone has probably found a way to get passed it.
Third, we help DA, by providing a source of identification to help others. They may need to hear and identify with someone with our experience, strength and hope. We put our past to good use when we help other debtors.
We share about positive things, or negative things that we are trying to turn into a positive. Sharing only takes a few minutes, but can cancel out years of anxiety.
When we share instead of isolating, we grow. Our mental and spiritual health improves. Instead of feeling like we attract problems and are unlucky “victims”, we find solutions. We have a common ground with our DA friends. We are in the right place to find and share hope. We are not alone.
Have I learned how important it is to share my experience, strength and hope?
Meditation for today:
Love is the best medicine. It heals emotional turmoil.
We find love when we simply care about our own welfare, and that of others. For some, this natural. For others, this is a challenge. With daily, practiced love, we grow.
Affirmation for today:
“I will practice trusting my group today. I will share things I need to get out, first with my sponsor, and if necessary, with my group.”
“I practice mercy and love every day.”
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