Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening

Thought for today:

It’s not enough to want to get better with money.  The Twelve Step program of DA only works for people who do the program.

They must admit that they are powerless over debt if they want to get better (Step One). They seek a personal relationship with the Higher Power of their understanding (Steps Two and Three).  They take a rigorous moral inventory of themselves (Step Four), admitting personal character defects to themselves, and to another human being (Step Five).

A member shares:

“When I started making meetings in DA I felt a little resistant.  Not everyone really did The Steps in my group, although a few old timers talked about them all the time.

“I was angry at the world because my debts had taken over my once-happy life and left me miserable.  I felt like a victim all the time.

“With all my anger, I would seek relief by shopping, and as a result I kept slipping into deeper unsecured debt.

“A friend in the program finally suggested I get busy with the Steps in order to work through my anger.  I made a list of my resentments in Step four. That opened my eyes, because everything on the list pointed back fear.

“It isn’t easy to admit I’m afraid, but at least I know the truth.  I shared my Fifth Step with my sponsor, and felt some relief.

“I’m moving on through the rest of the step.  My PRG meetings are becoming based on humility instead of anger, and that makes my Action Plans and Spending Plans manageable.

“By going through The Steps if feels like I’ve unblocked my recovery with money and with people.”

It works if you work it:

To get better from the disease of compulsive debting, you need to humbly ask your Higher Power to heal your attitudes about money and relationships (Steps Six and Seven).   Develop an Action Plan with the help of the program, and make restitution to creditors and others on your terms (Steps Eight and Nine, and Tools Five and Six).  In this way, you honor your own needs, as well as the needs of your creditors.

Continue to take personal inventory every day, and promptly admit when you are wrong (Step Ten). Meditate (Step Eleven).

The Twelve Steps lead to a spiritual awakening.  It is essential to pass on to newcomers what you learn (Step Twelve).  Seek to “do the moral thing” and you are on the right track.

Wishing alone does not get us solvent. We can’t blame DA if we don’t take the steps, or if we find ourselves slipping back into using credit cards.

DA works, but only if you work it.

Am I working my program?

Meditation for today:

Imagine a swan swims across a lake, appearing to move effortlessly across the water. What you don’t see is that their feet are quickly paddling beneath the surface.

In the same way, people in the habit of seeking humility and doing the work of self-examination may seem to handle life effortlessly.  But they are actually working very hard to align themselves with their Higher Power’s will.

Affirmation for today:

“I will check my motives today. and if I find selfishness or dishonesty I will turn and seek out humility instead.”

“I surrender my every  defect of character to my Higher Power for healing.”

Recommended reading about the Twelve Steps from their original source:  A.A.

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