Sane Money Habits

Thought for today:

Compulsive debtors have distorted thinking about money.  They can feel ashamed about this, which leads to isolation that keeps them from getting help.

A member shares:

“I used to beat myself up when I had anxiety about money (which was always).  I thought it was a sign that I was weak-willed.  That thought actually made me feel even worse about myself, contributing to my despair.

“When I came to DA I was at a point of desperation.   I couldn’t dare talk about my debt with anyone, yet my isolation was unbearable, and family and work suffered as a result.

“Today I know I’m a compulsive debtor, which doesn’t make me a bad person.  My nature is to take risks with money.  I know that I need the structured solution around money that DA provides – a structure of simple fellowship, Steps, Tools, and Traditions – to ground me in sane spending, earning and savings habits.”

Sane money habit questions:


Am I acquiring the sane spending, earning and savings habits DA suggests in its  meetings, literature and fellowship?  

Meditation for today:

There is nothing like a child’s exuberant play.  Their highs and lulls are where creativity lives, and their inventive minds grow in the process of play.  In the dips and up-swings of life, we too find inspiration, especially as we temper the process with loving kindness and gentleness toward all, including our inner child at play.

Affirmation for today:

“I embrace my creative spirit, and use its power to adopt sane habits.”

“My mind is free of compulsive behaviors around time, money and love – behaviors that used to keep me in darkness.”

How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously*: Based on the Proven Principles and Techniques of Debtors Anonymous

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